Rates and Fees

A variety of factors determine the total fee a Capacity Assessment. Some of these include:

  • Time spent performing the actual assessment(s)
  • Time spent collecting collateral information
  • Complexity of the client's condition
  • Expenses incurred (e.g. travel)
  • Completion of required forms
  • Ability of the client to pay for the assessment
  • Court appearance of the Capacity Assessor (if required)

Paradigm’s hourly fee is $175.00. Travel time is $75.00/hr, plus a mileage fee of $0.75/km. 407 ETR rates will be applied as needed.

Expenses for faxing, copying, special mail delivery, parking, etc. average between $20.00 - $30.00.

A Capacity Assessment (including Reports/Forms) can take from 4 to 10 hours, depending on the complexity of the circumstances, the number of areas to be assessed, communication difficulties (hearing, speech, language) and a number of other factors.

Fees cover the following:

  • initial referral contact (i.e. screening for nature of problem, appropriateness of referral, etc.)
  • personal interview with person being assessed. In some cases more than one visit may be necessary
  • corroboration of facts provided by the person being assessed through meeting with, or speaking to, others, including professionals who know the person being assessed
  • review of medical and financial records, as necessary
  • preparation of the required forms, assessment documents, invoice
  • delivery of all documents as required
  • confirmation that the process is completed, i.e. letter(s) to referring source, person assessed, etc.

In the event that a person refuses to be assessed, or if he/she appeals to the Consent & Capacity Board [CCB], time spent in preparation and attendance at CCB hearings will be billed at the above rates.